Book Count Report

Accessing Book Count Report

How can I see the total monthly book count broken down by groups within a chosen date range? The totals are broken down by group and library, allowing for easy viewing of the totals.

Imagination Library - BOS

1. Click on REPORTS

Click on REPORTS

2. Click on BOOK COUNTS


3. Select the period you would like to search

Select the period you would like to search

4. Click on Results

Click on Results

5. This will bring up a visual graph and data that can be downloaded to Excel

This will bring up a visual graph and data that can be downloaded to Excel

6. To quickly view the total of the selected period, click TOTAL at the top right.

To quickly view the total of the selected period, click TOTAL at the top right.

7. A popup window will then display the SUMMARY TOTALS from the period selected.

A pop up window will then display the SUMMARY TOTALS from the period selected.

8. This option will download the data to Excel.

This option will download the data to Excel.

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