Why does the system log me out?

While adding information to the Book Order System you must keep in mind that the entire Book Order System is built on encryption and security to protect your information. What this means is if any suspicious activity is detected, the system will close your session.
   Examples of suspicious activity which can lead to data loss and system login failures:
  1. If you Login and begin typing but then leave the computer unattended for more than a few moments, the system senses an inactive connection to the database. If that connection remains inactive, it will shut it down in a matter of moments and your unsaved data will be lost.
  2. If for some reason you are typing in the incorrect username and/or password several times, the system will lock you out for up to 24 hours and you must close your browser session to be able to log in. The reason for this is simple, hackers try every day to hack into private information by using fake names and password combinations. So multiple, failed login attempts are seen by the system as hacking attempts.
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