Change-of-Address with the USPS
If you have confirmed the address on file with Dolly Parton's Imagination Library is the correct address but a re still not receiving books, we recommend submitting a change of address form. This will ensure all names in the household are on file with the USPS. Because our books are sent via bulk may, if the names and addresses do not match what is on file at the USPS, an NCOA flag will be given and books will not be sent. Other classes of mail may still be delivered to your address without issue.
It is very important to file this form if anyone in your household, even just one member, has moved in or out of the household. If not all members of your household and all variations of their name are on file (Jonathan Smith, John Smith, Johnny Smith, etc), it is important to file this form.
To ensure the proper delivery of books via the USPS, you may use the following link to submit the form (there is a $1.10 fee):
Official USPS Change-of-Address Form
*Please note: You have to fill out a separate form for each child (or person) with a different last name. Example: Jane Doe has 3 children; Sammy Doe, Eva Doe, and Anne Brown. They would have to fill out 2 separate forms. If Jane's children's last names were; Sammy Jones, Eva Carter, and Anne Brown then she would have to fill out 3 separate forms because everyone's last names are different.