2023 Book Lists

Below are the 2023 book lists. The book selection committees for each country, comprised of early childhood literacy experts, met in the Spring of 2022 to select the titles for 2023. Visit our website to learn more about book selection, themes and concepts, and placement by age. 
Age Groups for 2023 (groups are determined by birth year, regardless of birth month)
  • Group 1 (born in 2023)
  • Group 2 (born in 2022)
  • Group 3 (born in 2021)
  • Group 4 (born in 2020)
  • Group 5 (born in 2019)
  • Group 6 (born in 2018)
Book Lists

Important Notes about book titles:

  • Book titles are subject to change based on supply chain issues. While we will update titles in advance, titles may change as late as the week they are due to ship. 
  • The Welcome Book and Graduate Book are specific titles that every child receives as their first book in the program and their final book in the program (if they remain in the program until age 5). Please see the book list page on our website for your specific country to see those titles. 
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