2025 Monthly Processing Dates
Below are the dates for the monthly processing for the calendar year 2025. These are the days we will close the book order system at 7am EST in order to pull the child data to order books to be delivered the following month. Please have all registrations entered (if using paper forms) and have pending registrations (including NCOA, transfers, parent edits, etc) processed by 8 pm EST the day prior.
If you are using/changing the tag lines on your label, these will need to be edited by 8 pm EST the day before the MP as well. Note that your tagline changes will go into pending status, and we must approve so please submit 2 business days prior to the monthly process to allow for approval. We also highly suggest you download your child list after you've made all changes in the BOS before the MP, so you have a record of what children and their specific data is pulled for that book order. (Please see our data sharing policy for important information regarding records.)