How to troubleshoot missing books

Books can arrive anytime during the month, even up to the last day of the month. If a child misses a book, there are several steps to follow to track down the possible reasons.

  • Check the LIST OF BOOKS MAILED in the BOS to see if the book for that child's age group has been delayed in its delivery and is, therefore, not really missing but simply late.

  • Check to see that the information in the database is 100% accurate and complete.

  • Check the child's registration date in the database. Our book orders are placed one month in advance. For instance, if today is October 1st, we will order books for delivery in November. Hence, if a child is registered in September, we should have their books ready for delivery.

After all these resources have been exhausted, one must assume the book is lost in the mail. If that agreement has been reached locally, a Local Program Partner can replace a book using the non-deliverables returned from the postal service. Experience has been that this approach is acceptable to the recipient's family and helps build a trusting relationship.

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